Minilab Jordanalysis robot

Minilab Jordanalysis robot

The SEAL Analytical Minilab soil analysis robot is a high-performance solution for accurate and reliable soil analysis. Designed to handle large sample volumes, this robot offers unrivalled precision and efficiency for laboratories with high productivity requirements.

High throughput and accurate soil analysis with SEAL Analytical Minilab

The SEAL Analytical Minilab soil analysis robot is designed to meet the needs of laboratories that require high throughput and accuracy. This robot automates the entire process, from sample preparation to final measurement, ensuring that each step is performed with high precision and reliability, even with large sample volumes.

✅ High capacity: The Minilab robot is designed to process large quantities of soil samples with high accuracy, which is ideal for laboratories with high production requirements.

✅ Accurate and reliable: The system ensures consistent and accurate results, which is crucial for understanding soil composition and health.

✅ Advanced automation: Automates the entire analysis process, reducing the need for manual labour and increasing throughput in the laboratory.

How does the SEAL Analytical Minilab Jordan analysis robot work?

The Minilab robot is designed to automate and optimise every step of the soil analysis process. It handles everything from sample preparation and dilution to mixing and measuring with high precision, ensuring that results are reliable and reproducible.

✅ Sample preparation and dilution: The robot prepares and dilutes samples automatically, ensuring that analyses are performed under optimal conditions to achieve accurate results.

✅ Mixing and reaction: Samples and reagents are thoroughly mixed to ensure even reaction conditions, which is necessary for accurate measurements of multiple parameters simultaneously.

✅ Measurement and data management: After the reaction, the parameters are carefully measured, and the results are automatically processed to generate detailed reports that can be exported for further analysis.

Applications of the SEAL Analytical Minilab Jordan analysis robot

The Minilab soil analysis robot is used in a variety of applications where high capacity and accuracy requirements are crucial:

✅ Nutritional analyses: Determining the amount of macro- and micronutrients in soil to optimise crop production and soil health.

✅ Pollution monitoring: Identify and quantify contaminants in soil, such as heavy metals and organic matter, to ensure that soil is safe for cultivation and the environment.

✅ Soil texture and pH analysis: Identify key soil properties that affect crop growth and adaptation to different soil types.

With the SEAL Analytical Minilab soil analysis robot, laboratories can ensure accurate and reliable results, which are crucial for making informed decisions on soil management and environmental protection.

Minilab Produktbroschyr

Översiktsbroschyr över Minilab plattformen.


Översiktsbroschyr för jordanalyser med SEAL Analytical produkter.

Add KCl:


Add CaCl:


Add Dest.water:


Mixing of samples:


Number of electrodes:

1 - 10

Number of test tubes:

60 - 800

Measure conductivity:


Measure and adjust pH:


Auto calibration:


Auto QCs:


Data Output:

LIMS compatible, Export in .csv format

Computer requirements specification:

Windows 7, 10 or 11

Barcode scanning:

YES - integrated

Import of sample ID:

Barcode scanner or from file

Programmable QCs:



Full audit trail for traceability

Bench analyser:


Dimensions (mm):

600 - 4000 W x 760 D x 660 H x 800

Power req:

220 - 240V 50 HZ


SEAL Analytical

SEAL Analytical is a leading supplier of analytical instruments for laboratories, focusing on segmented flow, discrete analysers and lab robots. Their innovative solutions ensure accurate and reliable measurements, supporting high quality process control and efficiency in laboratory environments.

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